Virginia Telehealth Network

Former Users

Thank you for your past participation in ATHN. Should you be interested in reengaging in telemental health or evaluating your product options, the following FAQs can answer some of your questions.

I’m interested in exploring a telemental health platform moving forward. Should I contact Adaptive Telehealth, the technology provider for ATHN?
Adaptive Telehealth will continue its subscription platform options, which may meet your needs moving forward. You can contact Jo Ann Dinwoodie at

To help you in selecting a permanent telehealth solution, VTN conducted research in partnership with telehealth consulting firm Blue Cirrus to compile a list of additional telehealth options you may want to consider. Click here to see those recommendations for your consideration. 

If you’d like to explore alternative solutions, MATRC has created a comparison of telehealth products designed specifically for telehealth providers. You can find that link here.

I still have data on the Adaptive Telehealth platform. How long will it continue to be accessible?
While current and former users of ATHN are strongly encouraged to download information no later than March 31, 2022, to allow time to address any technical issues that may arise in data transition and/or client scheduling, the current platform can be accessed until April 30, 2022. 

How do I export my stored data and information from the current ATHN platform?

Click here for instructions on how to export your patient data and information.

Can I sign up for regular updates during this transitional period?
Absolutely.  We’d encourage you to sign up here to our mailing list so that we can email you with the most recent information on the transition. 

Who can I contact with other questions?
If you have questions, comments or concerns regarding the new pilot or closing of ATHN, please contact Shannon Cody at